My Story

Welcome to The Lotus Label! My name is Bobbianne. I created The Lotus Label when I left my full time retail management job to pursue my passion in creating and crafting. I have always enjoyed DIYs, learning new crafts, and just being hands-on. As a child, my mother taught me how to sew blankets, my father taught me how to use power tools and the passion was born.

I started my shop by sewing face masks. I quickly outgrew working from my kitchen table and selling only facemasks. My mission was to be your destination to find functional yet cute home decor and other random fun things you never knew you needed! Since 2020 The Lotus Label has done just that and has grown from sewn goods to macrame and woodworking.

I chose the name to be centered around the lotus flower which is known for growing through dark, murky waters and blooming beautifully onto the surface. It's a reminder to all to be resilient and never forget your strength.Â